Why integrate chat on the website with web analytics systems?
21 March 2023
To determine the effectiveness of a website and its connected tools, it is necessary to regularly analyze visitor activity. Integrating chat on the website with web analytics systems can help you better understand the behavior of your current and potential customers.

In this article, we'll explain how this works with Rox.Chat’s online chat capabilities.
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Google Analytics can provide a comprehensive picture of user behavior by connecting the analytics system counters to the website. The data collected during analysis can be used not only to optimize the website and its elements but also to make changes to some work processes, develop an effective marketing strategy, and sales funnel.

Although Rox.Chat already has its own statistics module, customers can also integrate with Google Analytics. This allows users to collect data on how visitors interact with the chat and display the information as visual graphs.

There are four types of activities related to Webim chat that can be reflected in Google Analytics (displayed as "Events"):

  • Displaying the online status button to the user
  • Displaying the offline status button to the user
  • Starting a chat with the agent
  • Displaying the automatic invitation

By selecting a specific period and the necessary activities, it is possible to determine the scenario that visitors follow on the company's website, the steps they take before placing an order or contacting an employee. By studying web analytics reports, it is possible to build various hypotheses about user behavior and test them. For example, noticing that a significant number of users want to receive advice outside of working hours, it is possible to add a feedback form for collecting contact information or to plan text that informs when the agent can process the request. It is also worth testing various versions of automatic invitation texts to identify the most engaging welcome message.

In addition, it is possible to consider not only individual activities but also entire chains of events that act as stages in the sales funnel, to assess their effectiveness and make corrections if necessary.

Integrating Rox.Chat with web analytics systems allows for a more detailed study of user behavior on the website and identifying the weak and strong points of interaction scenarios with potential and existing customers.

A good understanding of the psychology of your target audience is one of the key factors in developing an effective marketing strategy.
Rox.chat provides effortless connectivity with all of them.

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